Welcome to my personal website
After 65 semesters of work at the University of Duisburg-Essen (10/1980 to 3/2013) I left Essen for the WWU Muenster (4/2013 to 3/2020) where I was appointed by annual contract as a Senior Professor of European Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport at the Institute of Exercise and Sport Sciences for another 14 semesters. After my change from Essen to Muenster also the Willibald Gebhardt Research Institute changed to Muenster in 2017. Currently, I serve on behalf of the European Research Council of Physical Education and School Sport (CEREPS) on board as Secretary General in some projects in cooperation with the Willibald Gebhardt Research Institute.
Therefore, all communication personally or institutionally concerning WGI or CEREPS matters should be directed to following addresses:
Fon: +49 251 833 4854
Email: naul@wgi.de or roland.naul@cereps.eu
For any postal contact, please use only following address:
Prof. Dr. phil, Dr. h.c. Roland Naul, MA.
German Office of CEREPS, Willibald Gebhardt Institute
University of Muenster
Horstmarer Landweg 62 b
48149 Muenster
More details about my work and services at Univ. of Duisburg-Essen (1980-2013) and at the Westphalian Wilhelms-Univ. of Muenster (2013-2020) you can find with following web links:
A complete biographic summary is stored by Wikipedia: